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Showing posts from October, 2019

How does knowing God is Three in One make a difference to your Christian life?

When I sat in science class about eight years ago, my teacher dissected a cow’s heart in front of us and proceeded to tell us we all had similar hearts pumping blood round bodies right now; leading to my sudden belief in the heart and its functions, and my inability to live without one. Akin to that revelation, has been the revelation of the Trinity to me thus far. If I had never known details of God’s three in one-ness, His triuneness would still not fail to continue making everything that is true possible; since every aspect of God is closely related to His creation and His will for it. Just as I lived ignorantly to my heart’s vital pumping efforts for many years, so have I to God’s truinity. Upon learning of the truth of my heart’s daily efforts to keep me alive, I was first led to awe and wonder. God, in the same way, revealing His existence in being an eternal and simple trinity has left me in wonder and a grown understanding and trust of Him. Being raised up as a Hindu meant...

Is being a Musician a waste of time in view of eternity?

Q:  In conversation with you, a keen and influential CU member starts whinging about certain music students in the CU who, as he puts it, “spend more time playing their instruments and doing community music projects, rather than getting on with the real work of evangelism.” He finishes by saying, “and in the end, all their instruments will melt in the heat of the day of judgment, so they’re just wasting their time, aren’t they?” How do you respond? My Answer: Evangelism, as you point out, is important work delegated to Christians. You are also right to prioritize eternal things, such as saving souls through evangelism. However, you claim to see playing your instrument or participating in community music projects as activities that conflict with time given to evangelism, whereas evangelism can flourish in friendship circles of common interests, such as music. You also claim evangelism to be the ‘real work’ of Christians, leaving  music playing and  projects to be ...