If the Cross is where God punishes his innocent son instead of me, is it an act of cosmic child abuse?
How would you reply if a student asks you this question? It is right to say that Jesus suffered an innocent death on the Cross, and in the place of all, me or you. You are also correct in saying that the cross was a punishment of some sort, though as you stated not a punishment for Jesus’ error, as He was innocent. Scripture tells us that the cross was a punishment for the sin of the world that justified sinners before God (Romans 5:9). However the punishment of Christ’s death on the Cross cannot be considered as God abusing His child, as we see through Scripture and commentaries, the Christian understanding is that Jesus Christ did not let His human body die begrudgingly (as if it were a circumstance out of His control), but willingly, out of choice and compassion for us, His creation. He was the Word who created us who also chose to save us. The majority of what I base my discussion on is found in St. Athanasius’ argument and writing On the Incarnation ( De Incarnatione Verbi Dei...